Is It Necessary??

Do you forget some things which are in fact involved in your day to day routine?? I know we all do. People around us say that maybe we were thinking about something else which made us forget the things that we usually do. Do you think it’s true?

Well everyone does think that it’s true and it is quite related to everyone. You see it’s the tension or stress or that one thing that bothers us which make us forget the thing we do everyday. Let me give you an example: I go to my college everyday and everyday it’s a nightmare because let’s be honest it’s not like the colleges that are shown in the movies. We have to face assignments, projects, the blames from our professors for everything we did wrong everytime even if it’s a mistake. You see some professors are like that but not everyone is bad. The point is you think about this kind of stuff while you are doing something else and that’s when it happens when you seem to forget the one thing that you do the most often. For me I have a routine everyday that is I wake up, get fresh (it means we empty our stomachs by the way if you don’t know that), go to the gym (somedays), come back home, eat breakfast, take a bath, put on some clothes, fix-up my backpack and then leave for my college. Now while doing so if I start thinking about my other stuff that’s been bothering me like for instance the only fact that I don’t want to go to the college because it’s a waste of my time, I forget to fix-up my backpack and leave with the same old things that I carried yesterday to the college. I might forget to charge my mobile phone, forget to get some cash from my mother, forget to take my mobile phone, etc.

This was just the regular stuff I talked about but there are so many other things as well for example you think about your future, you think about your happiness, you think about your family and their happiness, you think about the person that you love and care about, you think about the dream that you were dreaming while you were asleep and many more things. I know it is frustrating just to think about everything but we still do so and it does frustrate us but we still don’t give up. In some way we kinda like it. It gives a meaning to life because it feels like we are busy the whole day. It’s just the way a human mind thinks.

The question here you should ask yourself here should be, Is it important to think so much about the stuff that isn’t even important?? You see we sometimes think too much about a specific thing like for example I used to think what should I buy while buying a snack and I use to think so much about it that I use to forget that there are much more bigger things to give importance rather than something so small. I can eat anything I want but what about what I wanna do when I grow up, right? I say don’t think too much of the stuff that doesn’t even matter only try to focus on the things that actually matter. Don’t take it like just think about the stuff but also work on it and try and find to do something about it. The small things are not gonna change anything in your future. If a small thought comes to your head then do it. I say when you see a blind person asking for help don’t think just help him. Don’t think too much especially not after you have already passed the moment a long time ago. You know I use to think about that stuff too but now I gave that up and now I just do the things that come to my head. It’s easier that way. There are no regrets later, you feel good and that’s all that matters. It doesn’t matter what people will think, just care of what you will think about yourself.

I am going to be honest here I have a little OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive disorder) and I do the unwanted things just to make sure that if I do it that way it’s going to okay. It’s my way of thinking. I still do that and I think many people would do that. The people who follow a routine on purpose and think that if they don’t something is going to be wrong know what I am talking about. I used to bite my nails and the skin that was near the nails of my fingers from the time I was little. I sometimes even went so far that I used to hurt my fingers and they used to bleed sometime giving me pain yet I still used to do that. Now I don’t do that anymore because I finally gave it up by trying so bad by following a regime that would not let me do that. I started eating a lot whenever I wanted to bite my finger nails or I started drinking a lot of water. It was like I was trying to quit smoking (I don’t smoke it’s just the way I felt) but it worked and yeah I don’t bite my nails anymore. Also to be honest I made myself think about the person that I love and how would she feel when she tries to hold my hand. You see you just need the right reasons to do the good for yourselves.

Find your reasons and find the things that matter to you to do the right thing and focus on your life.

I think we came onto the wrong topic, sorry about that but just stop thinking about little things they are not gonna change anything. If you want to make a change try to make a change yourself. Stand up and move on.

PS : Hey if you like these posts please follow my blog and also wrote reviews on the comments sections. Write which thoughts make you forget anything that’s happening in your day to day life.

#DontThinkTokMuch #OCD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorders #WhatDoYouWant #ForgettingThings #Love #ReasonsToDo #ReasonsToMoveOn #FindYourReason #StandUpForYourself #DontGiveIn #DontFallBack #Thoughts #ThingsThatMakeYouForget #UnnecessaryThoughts #NoJokingMatter #HaHa

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