Finishing Your Chapter?

It’s a start to a new year and people are wishing each other “Happy New Year!” today. It’s just a way of welcoming people to start a new chapter of their lives and it’s good but for some people it’s not that amazing. It’s the circumstances and the experiences in one’s life that determines if the person is really happy about the new year. It’s all about how one thinks about everything happening in their lives. A friend of mine messaged me today asking a question like “Is the year 2020 a begining or an end of a decade?” When I asked the same question to my sister she answered that it’s a stupid question due to what 2019 has offered her and our family. She said that it’s like a reminder that time has already passed so fast that we won’t know when the year 2039 might hit us. She also said that the people who were born in the year 1999 would have completed their teenage years that is 19 years of age in the year 2019 and they would be the last of them. This got me thinking about the year 2000 and the year 2010. It confused me how might have people felt while those years arrived.

It’s not the same for everyone when a new year arrives. Some people want to move on and start the new chapter but for some people it’s too hard to let go something that’s been with them for that while. I say this because it’s not just about the year passing away it’s how you feel that we are running out of time year by year till we reach the end. My last year was a complete disaster and I say so because it constantly kept on taunting me, reminding me that time is flowing fast and I can’t do anything about it. It was the year my dad turned 50 years old, my sister completed her 18 years of age. These are the numbers that worries you because they are considered huge and important in a person’s life. It was a year where I felt the loss of two of my cousin’s and my Aunt from my dad’s side that is his elder sister. It was a terrible year. These are the moments in one’s life when you worry that time has already flown away so fast and you never took a step back to see that. I might be talking about my own life and it’s experiences here but I saw people loosing their loved ones even while the month of December was ending. This puts you in a spot where you feel if this has been a happy new year for them. I understand that it’s a circle of life but when it’s this close to a new year arriving and you enter a new chapter without someone so close to you. It’s just a matter of saying and thinking for one second about a person in front of you and how you might feel if it was you. The point is not everyone accepts this “Happy New Year!” charade.

There are people who haven’t achieved anything in a complete year and who feel lost and empty and worthless about their lives. What would you say to them that it’s a new year where you can start a new chapter and move on? There might be some people who would feel that the chapter that they once started isn’t completed. When you read a book would you close a chapter unfinished and start a new one just to end up the same way you did before and feel down at some point in your life. Last year I thought that maybe in one-year I might be able to come up with something just to feel satisfied and happy of being on the path towards my dream yet here I am a whole year after still in this trapped cage trying to find a way out. The point is not everyone is happy and looking forward to start a new chapter in their lives. Some are just holding on to complete their last chapter that is still going on. We as humans have a tendency to make the best out of everything and hence we celebrate the festivals that come across us. It’s a way to make ourselves believe that we are happy and satisfied with our lives. It’s to fool ourselves in believing that everything is going to be alright yet we forget to see how it’s going to happen. Some people just accept that there’s nothing to be happy about if you are not truly happy. The reason we call everyone at New year’s Eve to wish them with good fortune is to welcome them and fool ourselves in believing that we are moving towards a happy and new beginning. We forget that it isn’t a begining as much as it’s a path towards the end. There’s a saying “Every new beginning has an end”. When you think about it I think that maybe the people who feel the joy celebrating the festivals and new year is maybe these people are just trying to make the memories so that they won’t feel sad when they get older. I am not saying that celebrating is a bad thing but all I am saying is that not everyone feels the same way.

Sometimes things bother you because they matter and somehow you forget about it for a while and then it strikes you out of nowhere. These things that I have been writing are due to the reason that my life of the year 2019 wasn’t that good and I kinda hated it. It’s just that when you really think about it it’s likes no one is right and no one is wrong. Everyone in their own ways have a different reason to what they are doing or what they want to do. Yet I leave you with a question as in “What is Happy New Year?” According to me Happy new year is just a reminder that we are moving and that time is passing. It’s a reminder that everything you see in front of your eyes isn’t gonna last forever and neither are you. It’s not just the New year but all the festivals and birthdays and anniversaries that keep reminding me of all thats mentioned above. People might feel different and I accept that because it’s their way of looking at those moments not mine. So whoever is feeling the way I do just remember that it’s still worth a shot trying to finish your chapter because at least we might be able to have one chapter crossed from our list.

If you are wondering for my answer to the question mentioned in the first paragraph, I a said “it’s a little bit of both”

All pictures are taken from Pinterest

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